Committees and Working Groups

In accordance with the BCVTA’s bylaws, the Board of Directors has established and maintained several standing committees and working groups to facilitate the organization’s activities. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of these committees and working groups along with descriptions of their respective activities.

Members of these committees are required to fulfill the Association’s responsibilities, adhering to our code of conduct. Engaging in committee work is not only rewarding, but also an opportunity for members to contribute their valuable skills and experience to advance the association’s objectives.

If you have an interest in participating in committee work, please feel free to reach out to us at

Continuing Education Committee

The Continuing Education Committee (CE Committee) creates clear guidelines for the assessment of continuing education activities to ensure these activities meet the requirements established by the CE Committee and the BoD. This committee will assess and monitor the quality, validity, and relevance of the continuing education activities submitted by BCVTA members and will review all policies related to CE and recommend updates as needed. 

This committee will also assist with performing an annual audit of member education records in accordance with the CE policies of the Association. 

2023 – 2024 Continuing Education Committee members:

Leanne Hillis-Schmidt (Chair)
Jaqueline Vallee
Erica Gray
Anne Pauluzzi
Tracy Heyland
Wendy Stankevic

Complaints Committee

The Complaints Committee is a standing committee consisting of at least 3 voting members in good standing appointed by the Board at each annual general meeting.

The Complaints Committee receives and evaluates complaints regarding member conduct received by the Executive Director and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for action steps. This committee may refer a complaint to the Inquiry Committee for further investigation. 

2023 – 2024 Complaints Committee members:

Gabrielle Beer
Ashley Bourdeau
Marcia Hotvedt

Inquiry Committee

The Inquiry Committee is a standing committee consisting of:

  • 3 members of the Board of Directors
  • 2 voting members in good standing and not sitting on the Complaints Committee
  • 1 member of the CVBC

The Inquiry Committee reviews information regarding complaints referred by the Complaints Committee and conducts investigations by oral hearing in order to make recommendations to the Board of Directors for action

 2023 – 2024 Inquiry Committee members:

Marina John (Chair)
Kim Holbrow
Kalaya Donchi
Sion Cahoon
Michelle Orchard
Dr. Clare Tompkins


Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is a standing committee established to enhance the effectiveness of governance at the Organization and ensure compliance with the bylaws and policies. This committee will maintain and revise governance mandates and policies to support effective guidance and oversight.


  • Develop and maintain a healthy and effective governance framework and culture.
  • Monitor and advise the Board on changes to government legislation and regulations and emerging best practices in corporate governance.
  • Annually review the adequacy of the Organization’s governance practices and policies and recommend to the Board any changes or new practices the committee considers appropriate.
    • Periodically review the process of strategy development and execution.
    • Review periodically, the Organization’s bylaws ensuring they reflect the most up-to-date requirements of the Organization to operate effectively and efficiently.
    • Create or delegate the development of appropriate Board and/or committee policies to ensure the continual improvement of practices and processes (e.g., Diversity and Inclusion Policy, ESG Policy).
  • Review the overall size, composition, diversity, independence and effectiveness of the Board and its committees.
    • Annually review the Terms of Reference for the Board, the Chair of the Board, and all committees of the Board, and, if appropriate, recommend amendments to the Board for approval (this can include the creation, merger or dissolution of any such committees).
    • Ensure annual Work Plans are in place for each board committee (including a Committee Succession Plan).
    • Consider and recommend to the Board any new committees that are required.
  • Develop Terms of Reference for any new committees created.
  • Oversee the preparation of any public disclosure about the Organization’s corporate governance practices, including any report to be included in the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

 2023 – 2024 Governance Committee members:

Amanda Barker (Chair)
Kalaya Donchi
Alejandro Vargas Lumbreras
Tegan Stolz
Veronica Dessa
Shaylene Syrota

Awards Working Group

The Awards working group will review current awards and provide recommendations for  changes, updates or additions. This group will create and maintain a process for nominations for these awards and will solicit, evaluate, and recommend award winners for the annual awards dinner.

2023-2024 Awards Working Group 

Carly Chaput (Chair)
Elizabeth Reinboldt
Ashley Hansen
Kaitlin Loewen
Michelle Ereaut

Conference Planning Working Group

The Conference Planning working group will work with the Executive Director to plan and organize all aspects of the annual Spring Conference and CE events. The primary purpose of this group is to ensure that the conference runs smoothly, achieves its objectives, and provides a positive experience for participants, speakers, sponsors, and attendees. 

Specifically, the Conference Planning working group will develop a conference theme, select speakers and presenters, set the schedule, and plan logistics. 

2023-2024 Conference Planning Working Group

Marina John (Chair)
Monica Thomas
Wendy Stankevich
Tracy Heyland
Lindsay Ramage
Brianne Fudge
Antonia Laoutaris